Thoughts, moods, joy, devastation, refreshment, depression, heart.
About the project
i sometimes—always—think about the feeling of wind on my skin
at home, but it's never quite there
here's to the dreamers, feelers, optimists, introverts, and lovers navigating the world quietly,
their heart an optimistic compass
![LNYBC photo](../_images/_portfolio/lnybc-sample-1.jpg)
![LNYBC photo](../_images/_portfolio/lnybc-sample-2.jpg)
I used to be a cold little shit. Several art forms—all of them Japanese in character—ignited a little flame in my heart that warmed myself up.
And like a warm feeling seeping in, I learned that art will always be there for me.
This project has also been a journey of learning photography, from composition to lighting to editing.
I admit that going outside and taking photos has always triggered my social anxiety. I become very self-conscious about being viewed with suspicion for having a camera in my hands. It would be appropriate, I suppose, to say that this project has truly made me feel vulnerable.
Tools used
I shoot with a Nikon D5000 (digital) and a Nikon FM2 (film). I use Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom to edit my photos.
![LNYBC photo](../_images/_portfolio/lnybc-sample-3.jpg)
![LNYBC photo](../_images/_portfolio/lnybc-sample-4.jpg)
What's next?
This project will never end.
If the message of these photos compels you, I invite you to tag #LNYBC when you think it's appropriate.