Vanity Checker

How vain are you? Let your writing do the talking.

Let's start!

Submit a piece that you wrote. It can be a blog post, article, letter, paragraph, anything; but you must have written it.

Method 1: Upload a .txt file!

Method 2: Enter text in the box below!

About this silly project

What is this thing, anyway?

We all know deep down that we're all absolutely engrossed with ourselves, especially in a world of selfies and likes. Admitting it, however, is a different story. The Vanity Checker uses cutting-edge technology to deliver an assessment of your narcissism quotient straight to your browser. Just pop in a written piece of yours and the Vanity Checker will psychoanalyze it better than a college freshman's first paper on Freud.

How does it work?

The Vanity Checker calculates the ratio of self-pronouns (such as "I", "me", and "my") to other sentences in the text. This is a simple and completely unscientific way of estimating how often the author feels the need to reference their own self to communicate a point.

What the heck is the point?

Glad you asked. The author of this application has found that when writing about himself, he drizzles sentences with self-pronouns in a predictable and inelegant fashion, like an absentminded cook adding too much salt. Feeling self-conscious about his self-consciousness, he devised ways to reduce the surplus of self-pronouns in his writing, for instance, writing this completely necessary application.

Tools used:

  1. JavaScript: just the vanilla flavor
  2. HTML and CSS
  3. Uh...
  4. <1 cup of coffee